Site icon Affirmation Train



I affirm that the Word of God is alive in my spirit, soul, and body. I am alive unto God; I’ve been ordained and set apart by the Spirit of God for greatness! As the Father is Himself the source of life, in the same way, He has made me the source of life. I am full of life and nothing is permitted to die in my hands. This is my day, my season and my time; I am on stage now! Hallelujah! I am an offspring of the Word, and like Jesus, the devil has no place in me. I am endued with divine might, to win and reign in life as a king. Hallelujah! The Rhema of God is in my heart and in my mouth today; and as I speak it forth, mountains are moved, hills are leveled, and the crooked paths are made straight before me. Nothing is impossible to me because the greater One lives in me. By His power, that is at work in, and through me; I create my victorious and prosperous life, from glory to glory. Hallelujah! 


My words are not empty, they are filled with divine energies. The anointing of God’s Spirit is in my words; therefore, the words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life. My words will never fall to the ground without results. When I speak, angels are dispatched into action. Hallelujah! My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom for me. I can never be small or advantaged because I have chosen to generate life with my tongues. With my mouth, I make my way prosperous. Glory to God!


• Be bold to say the same things that God has said concerning you in His Word. That is what takes you beyond salvation, to enjoy the benefits of salvation ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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