I affirm that I am not of this world; I am from above! I have the life and nature of the Father on the inside of me. I am not an ordinary person; though I live in this world, my experience is different. I am heavenly; I am not a part of the suffering masses. I’ve been translated from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s love Son. I am a child of the King and I can never be stranded in life. Everywhere I go, doors of opportunities are open unto me by the Spirit of God. I have the capacity to make a success out of every opportunity. Nothing and no one can limit or intimidate me because the Spirit of Dominion has mantled my heart. Daily, I function with the dominion of Spirit in my finances, in my career, in my ministry, in my academic, in my business, and in all that concerns me. Hallelujah. No matter how strong the contrary winds blow, I remain unshakable because I am firmly rooted in Christ. I will never be discouraged or disadvantaged because I am the planting of the Lord. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage! Every challenge in my path is subject to change; they are all working together for my good. Glory to God! -SEE VIDEOS-
This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, it’s your responsibility to keep yourself in the triumphant life by speaking creative words of faith.
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