Monday , February 17 2025


I affirm that my days on earth are days of blessings. I am blessed with divine wisdom and knowledge, blessed with strength, health, divine supply, insight, and ability. I am so blessed by the Spirit of God and that blessing has brought precision and excellence into my life, enabling me to do the right thing always. I am born with untold blessings, and my spirit is opened continually to the truth. My eye is single, and every part of my life is full of light. Hallelujah! The supernatural is my life; therefore, I will never walk in darkness. Today and always, the true light that lightens every man’s world shines in my heart. Now, more than ever, I take advantage of this blessings to do exploits for the Kingdom of God. I am edified; my spirit is lifted to function from a vantage position of boldness, audacity, and victory in Christ Jesus. I refuse to struggle in 2018, but enjoy unstoppable growth and progress as I receive guidance and light from the Lord. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

(CLICK TO GET A CHRISTMAS 🎁 http://bit.ly/2dZqtLQ )

This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐

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God bless you.


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One comment

  1. É muito bom servir a Deus

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