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You know there are small things you do that can cause an earthquake in the world. I mean what caused an earthquake in the prison? You see these men though they might have been in chains…they were still shaking their bodies. They had JOY!

When I was young I was cool, calm and quiet and that’s the way I am today (people laughed). You see if I were in a service like this, I would just be here quiet. My dad was a cool quiet man. He was a gentleman and I took it from him. Am cool, quiet and calm. Am a complete gentleman. But I know the difference between an ordinary human gentleness and that of the Spirit.

One of the things I have noticed is that the glory of God is present mostly when the people are joyful. For example, in a service like this, you have heard me saying, “the glory of God is here”. Many times, it’s because I have seen it. I may see a cloud over the people, I may see it while am still here (at the pulpit). When I see it, I don’t go like eh eh eh eh NO.

Joy must be expressed. Whether you feel like It or not. There is an expression of joy. Do you know that as a child of God you can harvest the supernatural? You can have angelic visitation just because of joy. Listen, angels attach themselves to joy. When you have joy in your home by the time you will go out angels will be with you! <GET STIRRED WITH THIS>

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