Tuesday , September 17 2024

Happy birthday sir!


I was born into a Christian lineage by Christian Parents. My Grandparents were born-again Christians also. In fact, my Grandfather was a Pastor for several years until he went to be with the Lord. My testimony is peculiar, not strange or uncommon.

Rather it shares a lot of similarities with, conforms more to and better understood when one compares it with the kind of testimonies our present-day children have or are likely to have in this great Nation of ours, Christ Embassy. Born of two Christian Parents, meant that I was born with the Life of God in me. They being sanctified, meant that I was also sanctified. I was raised by my parents in God’s Word and with God’s Word.

So, all I knew, was God’s Word. I always went to Church with them before the age of accountability. However, being that I was still a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child and thought as a child. (1 Cor 13:11) When I got to the age of accountability, I had to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.

This was an important decision to make, not just because I had become accountable, but because I needed to be confident, and conscious of the New Life I had in my spirit. It cleared doubt, and paralyzed uncertainty regarding my salvation and paved way for a reference date, in time and History regarding my journey and walk with God.

In 1983-1984, I backslid from the Faith, like Demas, having loved this present world. It wasn’t for long though. Around the beginning of 1985, a prophet of God, and a one-time son of Our Man of God, Pastor Chris, came to my family House to see and wait on our man of God for some ministry instructions. While waiting, he came over to my room and began to share God’s Word with me. As he did, the Anointing of God’s Spirit filled the room. Thereafter, I repented of my backslidden state and made a recommitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Since then it’s been forward and upward life in Christ. 1 Timothy 1:12, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. “And His grace has been exceedingly abundant in my life and Ministry. Also, I thank my man of God Pastor Chris for being my father, Pastor, Mentor and Guide in Ministry.

Since I followed him, Ministry has been a most remarkable and rewarding journey. It’s Rev. Ken’s birthday today. Join us as we celebrate a father, a man whose mouth is full of divine wisdom. You can leave your greetings and prayers in the comment section. God bless you.


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