Sunday , September 8 2024



Luke 5:36-39
These series are to prepare us to recognise the season we are in and to be ready to maximise the opportunities that are coming along with it.

There are blessings and opportunities that you cannot access in your current stage, you will have to change in order to access them.



Heaven considers our capacity before pouring new wine; (breakthroughs, opportunities, promotions) into our lives. Galatians 4:1-2

The inability to evolve is what leaves people with unrealised potentials.

Unrealised potential is the greatest cause of frustration on this planet. John 12:24
(The word die in the above verse means sacrifice)

You need to sacrifice who you are in order to harvest who you want to be.

Reinvention involves risk taking.

Reinvention is an act of faith that inspires you to let go of what you know and what you have right now so you can lay hold on what you want.

Don’t stay stuck, don’t stay stranded, put your absolute trust in God and He will not fail you.

When a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, there is an invisible power that comes into the seed and turns what was only a dream into reality.

When Christ fell to the ground and died, and was buried, only one person could guarantee that He would rise again in His much fruit dimension.

Our God did not fail Jesus, He will not fail you.

“There is a dimension to our story at Daystar that I did not share last week. When God told me “This Daystar needs to die for a new one to emerge” the vision was clear in my mind. So apart from changing the systems, structure and all of that, God told me to ask the Church to give sacrificially and that I had to lead the way. The most valuable asset in our family then was the Mercedes car that we got 3 months before that time. It was the first Mercedes car I would own in my life, it was fairly used but it was really clean and beautiful. On Sunday I stood before the church and told them that in line with God’s word concerning the emergence of a new Daystar that God wanted us to give sacrificially because He was creating a new dimension for all of us. I told them my family and I was leading the way and that we are putting down our car. I remember after the service when it was time to go home, I was moving towards the car and then my beautiful wife Adenike asked me; “Where are you going”? And I told her we are going home she said; “In what”? I told her we were going in the car and that during the week we would look for a car dealer and send it to them so they could help us sell it. She said, “No, you announced publicly that you have given it to God’s work, it is not going home with us.” I agreed with her and we went home without the car and by the next day, the car was sold. That wasn’t an easy decision, while the person was driving the car away I suddenly realised the car was beautiful, it was a sacrifice and we went back to driving a small car with two doors; a Nissan Micra, me and my family drove in that car.

Many of the Church members also did the same thing, I was amazed at the things people were selling and what they were giving. When we say that Daystar died and a new one emerged, it wasn’t just about the fact that our facility, equipment, system or structure changed but the people also changed, people’s lives changed”.



What has God been asking you to do that you are afraid to do?

Sometimes He asks you to change a physical location, I have had to change locations a few times, it is not easy.

Is he asking you to leave a job, to start something new, a business of your own. I have seen people go through that and I have been there too, it is not easy

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains the way it is but if it does, it brings forth much fruit.

It is easy when people are sharing their much fruit story but the dying process is not easy.

Mark 10:17-31

The first enemy of reinvention is the fear of taking risks and the second enemy of reinvention is success.

The more successful you become the more difficult it will be, that is why we have a lot of ex-millionaires and ex-billionaires because we get to a particular point where we become afraid that if we let go of what we have, we might never have another one.

It is easy to criticize the rich man in Mark Chapter 10 but put yourself in his position, just imagine his name was on Forbes list of the richest people, probably he was number one on the list and Jesus tells him to sell everything.

Many of us need to sacrifice our cultural ideas and mindsets. Some of us are mixing cultural mindsets with our Christianity and we will need to let go of our old ideas in order to move into a new dimension.



“I remember in the early days of our church, I had to let go of my mindset as a Shepherd so I could gain a new mindset as a Rancher. A pastor is a Shepherd and Shepherds have to pay attention to each sheep and know them by name but somewhere along the line I got stuck, it just wasn’t realistic anymore to do all the weddings, naming ceremonies and all the preachings, I had to let it go and that led to a much fruit dimension”.

“The last six years have been a walk of faith for my wife Pastor Nike and I, it is like the story of the rich man in Mark 10. God built something so big then the Spirit of God says to move and then we have to be gone for a long period of time. That was when we began to record messages on video and play them during the service. I couldn’t believe it, I wasn’t sure if it was going to work, I was worried the attendance would go down but nothing went down, it is God. Many people ask me how is the Church now? The Church is expanding, we are planting satellite centres and so on. How would we have known that God was preparing us for this kind of a season when what I thought was unusual (recording messages) would become the norm. I remember the day I was having a conversation with God about recorded messages, I asked him if it was the way to go and He asked me; “What is your problem with recorded messages?  The Bible you are carrying around is it not a recorded message? If you had videos of Jesus messages would you not play them in your services on sundays?” I had to apologise. He said, “I am adding more years to your life, when you are there physically you preach five times, now you preach once and it is recorded and played five times, doesn’t that save you energy.” I told him sorry Lord, thank you, sir. How would I have known it would even get sweeter than that? So I am saying let go, you don’t know anything about tomorrow but God has a new level for you”

The story of Peter the Apostle is another example; he was hungry, he went to the roof of the house and God showed him a vision in which there was a large sheet before him full of all animals the Jews were not permitted to eat and God said “Arise Peter, kill and eat” Peter says to God; Lord you know that I have never eaten anything called unclean and God says to Peter ‘what I have called clean, you cannot call it unclean.’

Sometimes we hold on to what God has done or said before so much so that even God himself cannot get us off it.

God says the season has changed, we have a new assignment to do.

God was preparing Peter to preach to the Gentiles, he had only preached to Jews and had never set foot into the house of a Gentile and God wanted him to do that. God wanted to move him to the outermost part of the earth.

God wants to move you from local to global but you are arguing and struggling, it is time to submit to God.

Let go and let God

Let us pray;
Heavenly Father, we thank you because your wisdom is the ultimate source of guidance for us and right now I present everyone who is a part of this service to you including myself, Father make this our transfiguration experience.

Father make this our season of moving from a grain of wheat to a much fruit dimension.

Father let the the power of your Spirit engage everyone of us, break down our current structure, begin something that has never existed before.

Father we ask that you pour out your Spirit on us, let your Spirit work on us, change our hearts and our minds, work on our emotions and transform our lives in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father we know that it is not about us but about you so we ask that you use us for your glory, use us like never before. Say through us what you want to say, do through us what you want to do, help through us who you want to help in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father we thank you for this miracle of change, for this season of change, thank you for courage, thank you for boldness in Jesus name we pray. Amen




𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝗧𝐡𝐞 𝗟𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝗧𝐨 𝗚𝐞𝐭 𝗠𝐨𝐫𝐞;
Take Your Place As A KingPriest




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