Wednesday , February 19 2025


I affirm that I am fruitful and productive in every area of my life. I bear fruits of righteousness, and my life is pleasing unto the Father. I am a custodian of divine verities; I am called and ordained by the Spirit of God as a minister of reconciliation. I have all it takes to fulfil my calling here on earth. As a minister of reconciliation and steward of the mysteries of Christ, I faithfully take the light of God’s glorious Gospel to my world, and to the regions beyond, transforming and building lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. God has granted me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him; the eyes of my understanding are enlightened to the realities and truths of the Kingdom. And now, I know the hope of His calling, and the riches of His glorious inheritance and His incomparably great power towards me. Hallelujah! God’s grace and power is at work in me to be effective in my ministry and I am winning my world for Jesus. Glory to God!
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Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!! Remember, you can make your way prosperous with words. Get talking today! You can now reach us on: 


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God bless you.
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