Wednesday , February 19 2025


I affirm that my life is for the glory of God. The Spirit of God has granted me everything I require to live triumphantly on earth. I am excellent, sound, fruitful and productive in every good work. Christ is glorified in me today, and His righteousness is unveiled through me. I am the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus; I’m created for good works. I’m bearing fruits of righteousness, pleasing the Father in all things. Hallelujah! The Word of God is alive in me; I’m making progress and profiting in all areas of my life through the Word. I am healthy, strong, excellent and vibrant! I experience, even now, the supply and ministry of the Spirit to be effective in the ministry of the Gospel, communicating God’s divine presence to my world. My heart is a fertile ground and the Word of God is producing great results in every area of my life! As Jesus is, so am I; I am one with Him! In Him I live, and move and have my being. I have His righteousness, life, and nature in me. I am the effulgence of His glory and the express image of His person. Therefore, I think, act, and live as His perfect representation. Glory to God. Hallelujah! 
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Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!! Remember, you can make your way prosperous with words. Get talking today! You can now reach us on: 


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God bless you.
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  1. Hallelujah! Glory to God!


    Hallelujah, glory, I am GOD perfect representation, as HE is so am I I m this world.

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