Tuesday , January 14 2025


I affirm that the grace of God has brought increase into my life. My capacity has increased; I increase in my finances, I increase in my ministry, I increase in my career, I increase in knowledge, I increase in strength, I increase in every area of my life. My territory is enlarged and I am producing durable results. Hallelujah! Doors of opportunities are open unto me in different continents of the earth. My name is coming up for the right opportunities. Nothing will ever take me by surprise because I have inside information. I will eat of the good of the land; for the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to me. I am joined to the Lord, I have become one Spirit with Him. There’s nothing that I do that will fail. If I ever get involved, God is involved. I am anointed to succeed; I don’t believe in failure and I can never fail. Glory to God!
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Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!! Remember, you can make your way prosperous with words. Get talking today! You can now reach us on: 


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God bless you.
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    I don’t believe in faliuer threfor I don’t fail, my life in for me the glory of GOD, I have increased in my tinance, I have increased in wisdom, I have incr3ased in my minis try, I have increased in knowledge, glory to GOD.


      I don’t believe in failure so I don’t fail, I have increased in wisdom, knowledge, finance, my ministry, my business and I am enjoying the life of puts ability in all I do, I manifest GOD glory in all day. Glory to GOD

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