Site icon Affirmation Train



I affirm that I can do all things by the power of the Spirit that’s at work in me mightily! That power is active in me today and is released into my world to bring about changes and transformation in the lives of men and women, in the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah! I have the mindset of the Word. I refuse to see limitations or impossibilities, for God’s Word has inspired faith in me to be possibility-conscious, and to reason like Him! This is my month of expansion; I am expanding on every side and waxing great by the power of the Spirit. I am mightily blessed of the Lord! Not only am I blessed, I’m a package of blessings happening everywhere. Anything I lay my hands upon is blessed and anyone I come in contact with receives an impartation of God’s blessing because the blessing of God upon my life overflows from me to everything and everyone around me. I am in charge, and nothing is permitted to happen in my world without my knowledge and approval. Glory to God!

•Special gift 🎁

Keep saying it, don't stop talking it. Remember, He had said it so we can boldly say it. Your mouth is your victory. Refuse to be quiet 🤐 You can now reach us on: 


• Kingschat: Affirmation train 

• Telegram:

• Instagram: affirmation_train 


God bless you.

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