Wednesday , February 19 2025



I affirm that Christ has been made unto me wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification. I have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension by the Holy Spirit! I am anointed by the Spirit of God and my eyes are blessed to see opportunities. I am rich in silver and gold; rich in diamond and other precious stones. The earth and its fullness belongs to me because I am a joint-heir with Christ! I eat of the good of the land and benefit from the precious minerals that surround the world. Money continually locates me because I favour God’s righteous cause in the earth. My mind is open to great ideas, opportunities, wealth and I am supernaturally empowered by the Spirit of God to take advantage of them. I am a child of the King; I will never borrow but I will lend to the nations of the world. I am well positioned in life; no nation can possibly deny me entrance because I am the seed of Abraham. Wherever I go, every creature around me is blessed. Hallelujah! As I speak forth right now, angels are dispatched into action to ensure the words of my mouth do not fall to the ground without results. Glory to God!

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This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐 You can now reach us on:

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God bless you.



#Iflourish #vision400 #Insight



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#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 5TH OCTOBER. I affirm that this is my season and my time! I am …


  1. Christabelle Bankam

    Please can you also send the affirmations to [email protected] ? Thank you

    On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 9:07 PM Affirmation Train wrote:

    > affirmationtrain posted: “#AFFIRMATIONTRAIN 24TH AUGUST.I affirm that > Christ has been made unto me wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification. I > have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension by the Holy Spirit! I am > anointed by the Spirit of God and my eyes are blessed to see op” >

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