Question: Kimbi (Philippines) – Dear Pastor, thank you for teaching me the word. Can a baby born out of wedlock be dedicated in church? To me, I think both parents must first be married but some of my brethren think it is okay to go ahead and dedicate the baby in church. Pastor Sir, can you throw more light on this?
Answer: In respect to the question, yes! The baby must be born again regardless of the status of the parents. It’s the baby’s right to be dedicated in church. So, it’s right to dedicate the baby in church even if the parents are not Christians. If we can get a hold of the baby, we would rather dedicate the baby to God. It’s pretty simple! God says, “All souls are mine” and if we ever have the opportunity to dedicate a child to God, we should do so.
You don’t hold the baby responsible for the sins of the parents for the condition of his birth. Nobody decides on how the person will be born. Absolutely! I was talking one time about Jesus; this idea about Jesus being born in a manger and you know they said how humble Jesus was, and I said Jesus had nothing to do with been born in a manger; that was not his responsibility, it was his parents that did that. It wasn’t Jesus trying to be humble and choose to be born in a manger. He had nothing to do with it.
You are not responsible for the circumstances of your parents. And so, you shouldn’t be punished because of the way you were born as a child and not be dedicated. So, if we have an opportunity to dedicate a child in the house of God irrespective of how he was born, we will dedicate that child.

I’ve read some good stuff here Definitely worth bookmarking for revisiting