Monday , October 28 2024



Bring you series of your loveworld programs with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Click to watch any of the series… It will bless you greatly.

When I pray for God’s people, and say to them,“I bless you in the Name of Jesus; I bless you with the Word; with His presence; and with the Holy Ghost,” I’m distributing the blessings of Christ! This is what He’s called us to do as His ministers and ambassadors in the earth; we’re dispensers of divine blessings. He’s anointed us, and we’re to distribute this grace by the Spirit and change lives everywhere… GET MORE.

Imagine you were driving, and a careless driver bumped your car, instead of apologising, he even got abusive. What would you do? Would you pour invectives at him? Some may even alight from their car to engage in a brawl. No! That’s not for the Christian. Irrespective of the situation, restrain yourself from any form of altercation or bandy of words. GET MORE.

During your quiet moments, think on the Word! From thinking, mutter the Word; and from muttering, roar the Word! These are different levels of meditation. Don’t doze off while meditating; walk around in your room, and utter creative words that’ll shape and align your future with God’s perfect will for your life. GET MORE.

Whatever you’re involved in, you’ll produce abundant results, because that is the will of God for you in Christ. You’re a fruitful branch of a fruitful Vine; you’ll produce durable fruits. You will prosper in the things you do because the blessing of God is on you and on all you do. You’ll make progress like never before… GET MORE.

People go to voodoo priests, sorcerers, and diviners to put a curse on a colleague or someone they’ve perceived as an enemy. Sometimes, people who never had any history or trace of sickness could suddenly come up with a terminal disease or even become lunatic, as a result of a curse placed on them. GET MORE.

I want to pray for you now; are you ready? I believe God’s Spirit is God’s answer. No matter what you are asking God for, no matter what it is you need or desire of Him, His Spirit will touch you now and grant your heart’s desire and meet you at the point of your need… GET MORE.

The hand of God is on you… no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. I use the Name of Jesus to disallow demonic activities in your life, environment, and in the lives of your loved ones. The dominion of Satan in anyone and anything around you is broken, even now, in the Name of Jesus. You will live in divine health, supernatural abundance, and in continual victory and prosperity… GET MORE.

Many wallow in pain and penury, crying every day to God for help, simply because they’re ignorant of His Word. They don’t know, and therefore can’t take advantage of their rights and blessings in Christ… GET MORE.

When you talk, you release energy in the realm of the spirit, in the direction of the substance of the message, because words are vector quantities. I said, “Have talking sessions”; at such times, you’re not merely talking into the air; you’re addressing circumstances and situations, effecting positive changes in your life and future… GET MORE.

When you get your emotions involved in prayer, your spirit is conditioned in a way that’s receptive to the Holy Spirit. At that moment, your mind is channelled to your purpose of prayer and attentive. Recall that the Bible says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3). Learn to stay your mind and emotions on the Lord in prayer… GET MORE.

The darker the night, THE MORE WE WILL SHINE! We are entering into a new phase of the church… THAT HAS NEVER BEEN KNOWN BEFORE. The knowledge of God is increasing like Daniel said that knowledge shall increase. God increased the capacity on men to comprehend! The importation of knowledge… GET MORE.

No matter how nice you are; no matter how much you believe in Jesus—no influence, no voice. Therefore, make up your mind to be influential for the Gospel. By that, I mean, let your prosperity result in the spread of the Gospel around the Word. As a ministry, we’re publishing and… GET MORE.

Today, no one should be legally held captive by Satan, sickness, or disease; all we have to do is announce their freedom. This is why Paul, in the city of Lystra, could say to a man who was impotent in his feet and had never walked from birth, “Sir, stand up!” Paul didn’t even pray for him. Paul’s audacity of faith resulted from his knowledge that “captivity” had been held captive… GET MORE.

THAT LIFE IN YOU REPELS SICKNESS. You are God’s (own) handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus. The life of God is at work in every fibre of your being… That life in you repels sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the… GET MORE.

There’s a hedge of protection around you. The perimeter of that hedge is activated to keep satan and the forces of darkness at bay. You are God’s workmanship, His living tabernacle; therefore, every fiber of your being – from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet – is vitalized by the Spirit of God… GET MORE.

Refuse to allow the circumstances of life dictate your response. Live by God’s Word. Be absolutely independent of circumstances, such that no matter what happens, you’re always on top. You’ve become an oasis of love in a troubled world. There could be chaos everywhere, but you’re unruffled; only making progress, and moving forward. Hallelujah! GET MORE.


To live without Christ is to live without God; in damnation. That’s why you must be fervent in spirit, preaching the Gospel (Romans 12:11). You’ve been sent to take the light of the Gospel to those living in darkness (Acts 13:47). Therefore, don’t hold back; don’t be apologetic. Be bold and recognize that you’re the custodian of the message that works… GET MORE.

True Christianity is living in the Name of Jesus. The very thought of this is so awe-inspiring. Colossians 3:17 says, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” GET MORE.

THERE’S MORE TO PRAYER. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18). There’s more to prayer than asking God for your needs. The word “Prayer” is a generic word, but many only focus on one… GET MORE.

THE CONFESSION OF HIS LORDSHIP BY PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Ask some people, “How do you know you’re saved?” They’d say, “I confessed my… GET MORE.

Today, no one should be legally held captive by Satan, sickness, or disease; all we have to do is announce their freedom. This is why Paul, in the city of Lystra, could say to a man who was impotent in his feet and had never walked from birth, “Sir, stand up!” Paul didn’t even pray for him. Paul’s audacity of faith resulted from his knowledge that “captivity” had been held captive… GET MORE.

As a Christian, it’s so important that you avoid wrong associations. Keep away from people that try to corrupt your spirit with negativism, because it’s poisonous to your spirit… GET MORE.

I urge you to keep away from anything that may cause the Holy Spirit to turn against you. “…Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” Don’t touch them with your hand or your words. Don’t touch them with your pen or your publication. Be wise, for God has said you will not be guiltless if you do it… GET MORE.

Blessings are conveyed primarily in words, and you can’t bless someone who isn’t already “blessed”; this is a mystery, but also a spiritual reality. You can only bless someone that’s blessed. We read in the Old Testament how God instructed the priests to bless the children of Israel… GET MORE.

This month, God is going to bless the works of your hands. Marvelous blessings in your life. Every effort you put into your work will be rewarded with tremendous results, far more results than you ever expected. You are going to be so…GET MORE.

The Lord has spoken concerning us that the grace that He has given us in this ministry has been mightily increased! The Lord has said those things that He said we would fulfill, would be fulfilled by His Spirit. He said, “it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.” GET MORE.

So while, you’re there in your closet speaking forth the Word of God in faith, it may seem like nothing is changing, but don’t stop, for it’s being recorded in God’s book of remembrance. In the course of time, that book will be opened and the rain of blessings you’ve been expecting will come pouring down all at once. Keep talking the Word and filling up your pages of that book with your faith-declarations… GET MORE.

As a Christian, it’s so important that you avoid wrong associations. Keep away from people that try to corrupt your spirit with negativism, because it’s poisonous to your spirit… GET MORE.

God’s grace is supernatural! It brings favour, prosperity, health and supernatural increase. It’s the manifestation of the love, compassion and power of God; the outward reflection of a divine influence in the human spirit… GET MORE.

We’ve talked a lot about His resurrection because it’s so important; in fact, the resurrection is the birth of Christianity. But His ascension is a most extraordinary thing that happened after His death. For the first time in human history, a man physically ascended into the presence of God, letting us know that there’s life beyond this earth realm… GET MORE.

With your shield of faith, you have the inherent ability to completely neutralize all (not some) of the fiery darts of the enemy. When he throws the dart of fear at you, declare, “I refuse to fear, because the greater One lives in me!” If it’s the dart of sickness, say, “I refuse to be sick; my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!” GET MORE.

When you were born again, you became as righteous as Jesus is, for you were made righteous with His righteousness. You can’t be more righteous than you are right now, for God’s roghteousness is perfect which is what you already have in Chríst–and you can’t improve on perfect… GET MORE.

I came across the foregoing verse as a teenager, and made up my mind to have it actuated in my life. I chose to walk in the light of it, and it’s been my life ever since. Make up your mind to live in blessings and abundance, because it’s the life God has given to you in Christ… GET MORE




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