Sunday , September 8 2024



I affirm that I will never live an empty life! The zeal for the things of the Spirit and for the expansion of God’s Kingdom has consumed me. I am a burning and a shining light; I am fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. I’ve put on righteousness as a breast plate, with my feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. I am full of passion for extraordinary impact with the Gospel. God has anointed me with the Holy Spirit and with power to positively effect changes, and impact the lives of people all over the world. As the seed of Abraham, my mind is seasoned with supernatural ideas, thoughts and visions. I am imbued with divine wisdom to bless and change the world around me. The power of the Spirit is at work in me mightily, and I am charged from within for good works. I am effective in the ministry of the Gospel, energized and aflame for the Lord, as my heart beats with the desire to do His will. Glory to God!

•SPECIAL 🎁 http://bit.ly/2dZqtLQ



This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐

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God bless you.


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One comment

  1. Thank You Jesus , I’m a seed of Abraham. Hallelujah!

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