Monday , February 17 2025



I affirm that I was born again with the ability to reign and rule over the elements of this world. God has put in me the yeast to rise above every challenge, therefore, I will never go down in life irrespective of what happens in the nations of the world. Christ in me, the manifestation of glory! I know who I am, the child of the Monarch of the universe. Hallelujah! The mysteries of life are unveiled to my spirit. I will never walk in darkness because the true light that lightens every man’s world shines in my heart. Never will I become a victim or miss God in life. I am mightily helped of the Lord and my life will never be based on my qualifications. God has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. Hallelujah! I am not a part of the suffering masses; I’ve been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear son. Out of my belly flows rivers of living water; for all the fullness of the Father tabernacles in me. I live from my spirit because my heart is where the Kingdom of God dwells. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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This is something to shout about. Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it. Remember, your mouth is the edge of a weapon. Refuse to be quiet 🤐 You can now reach us on:

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God bless you.



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