Saturday , January 18 2025


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  1. My declaration.I declare that my family and business growth and I declare that God will give me a good husband who loves God Al’s no sickness no miscarriage of funds in my life

  2. My declaration with Faith. I declare excellence in my education, higher level of closeness with God, a better job and long life for my entire family.

  3. God is great

  4. je declare au nom de jésus que j’aurai un bon emploi en ce mois de changement.

  5. je declare au nom de jesus que je reçois mon emploi en ce mois de changement. amen

  6. My declaration.l declare that am always conscious of Jesus. I declare the favour of God and the favour of Man upon my life. I declare Goodness and Mercy upon my Family. I declare Job opportunities. I declare God will give me a husband by the supernatural end of this year. A man of faith and ready to run the race for Christ.

  7. i declare my travel opportunity this 2019 in the name of JESUS. i thank my FATHER on shocking me with how fast he can be good to me. i declare my progress and productivity transcends natural laws. i declare a supernatural 10 in 1 in the name of JESUS

  8. l affirm that me and my family can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. No limitations on our path. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Any mountain before us shall become a plain. All our needs are fulfilled in Jesus name. Glorrrrrrrrryyyyyyy.

  9. I affirm that I make progress academically,financially and spiritually,the new accommodation is mine and am living in health.
    I am living a supernatural live and shining through out this year. The wisdom of God is at work in me and I am producing great result in every aspect of my life. In Jesus name (amen).

  10. I affirmed that in this YEAR OF THE SUPERNATURAL, lines are falling unto me and my family members in pleasant places and we have a goodly heritage. All cases of febriod and other diseases are uprooted by the same SPIRIT and POWER OF GOD that raised up JESUS CHRIST from dead. Hallelujah…

  11. I declare am consistence in my tithe offering,seed offerings,partnership seed,offering,first fruit, and other seeds to push the gospel forward.I Declare Also That Am Fruitful And Productive In My Finances,Education,Family,New job,Marriage,New house.I Declare Money,Favour,Blessing and Mercy are shifting in my direction in this month of change.

  12. I declare that I’m victorious in every situation and circumstances, I’m alive unto God to fulfil my destiny in this world. I , my husband and children dwell in safety of the Lord. We dwell in supernatural health for the rest of our lives. Glory to God. I’m a plus to the kingdom of God, I make positive impacts in the lives of anyone I come in contact with. I’m a soul winner.

  13. i declare that my marriage is beautiful in this year of this year of the supernatural. i declared that my visa is free of charge, d lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. i declared that my finance has no boundary

  14. I declare goodness to my marriage ,my children,my job and my life.

  15. My name isJennifer my declaration I want healing for me and my family am blessed in my going out and coming in I want protection in my body mind spirit and my whole life the devil and his demons has been telling me lies in my sleep but I know no Weapons from against me shall prosper for know who I am I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I will live a very long life on this earth the devil can not kill me cause God have me I will not go mad no more nightmares or terror in Jesus name my friend Bonnie face bengermen will be my husband soon he’s good for me Amen

  16. my decleration is that I declare God’s blessing and supernatural health upon my family and love once..And I daclare a supernatural growth in my mininstry, I daclare job done, riches done,I daclare God favor in my world in JESUS name by the power of the Holy Spirit..Amen

  17. my declar my victory is permanent and this month of March my pregnancy test results will come out positive in Jesus name Amen

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