Reverend Chris Oyakhilome (PhD) shares his thoughts on what makes some countries powerful and influential and many others not much so…
I find that all around the world there are too many people who don’t understand the definition of nationhood. It is sad that all over Africa particularly, many have not understood their reason for being. Africa was always called the Dark Continent, not because of the colour of the skin, but because of the poverty of their minds. But the time has come for us to make the difference and we will.
In developing the “Theory of Nations”, there are certain concepts that require mention and definition. All over the world, wherever the definitions of these concepts are nebulous, they are misused and usually leading to the sufferings of so many people. These concepts are Nation, Nationalism, State and Ethnicity. To understand the development of nations, we must observe that man is a gregarious animal. Thus human beings naturally relate socially.
And as you know social relationships automatically define themselves in relation to strength and weakness; leadership and followership, because of the human tendency to protect or seek protection. And so, the weaker congregate around the stronger to be protected. And this feeling of security heightens the weaker’s ability to function socially. And so, naturally, the stronger demands further submission and allegiance, while defining the limits of freedom of the weaker of the species.
Certain nations like Nigeria 🇳🇬 have completely flawed the popular or the popular definition of “nation” as a large body of people organised under independent government and sharing common customs, origins, history and language. Canada 🇨🇦 also, among others, cannot fall into this narrow definition. As you know, Nigeria has a multiplicity of languages, diverse customs and culture, and a wide range of divergent history for its many peoples who definitely don’t have a common origin. Thus, by this definition, Nigeria 🇳🇬 will not qualify as a nation but State only. And there are many countries all around the world that can only be described as States. A state begins with the paraphernalia of government with a definite territorial jurisdiction. It is an institutional structure with territorial integrity. Thus without a defined land space, a state cannot function; whereas a nation need not be territorial in nature. As a matter of fact, the United Nations (which we call the UN), by its name, cannot be defined as it is called. It is more of an association of States.
States are bound together by law and force; nations are not created by law and force but by the free consent of its members and the definition of their purpose. States are static while nations are dynamic. Thriving states, therefore, are those who, through education and culture, have helped their people develop nationhood. A State is ready for prosperity and development when it delivers to its people a robust Bill of Rights, a sense of liberty and freedom of expression. The purpose of a nation is the realization of human aspirations.
It is in pursuance of man’s dreams or desire for happiness, prosperity, self-expression, ecological development, self-fulfilment and his insatiable and unending desire for self-discovery and maximization of his intellectual physical and spiritual abilities. All these, a man knows, he cannot attain or achieve in isolation but in his relationship with like-minded creatures. The purpose of States, on the other hand, is to form such associations, providing and establishing justice, domestic tranquillity, common defence, promote the general welfare and secure their postulated ethnicity for themselves and their posterity. It is to enact laws and provide force in ensuring that defined limits are not exceeded.
As a people, we have attained statehood but we are yet to achieve nationhood. Why, in spite of government efforts, should the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of African nations continue to drown? Why is their per-capita income so embarrassingly low compared to others? The answer lies in the fact that their GMA (Gross Mental Attitude) is wrong. The answer lies in the fact that their GMO (Gross Mental Output) is horrendously low. The answer is aggressive educational policy and programs. The educational policies and programs in African nations must be reviewed to foster intellectual and environmental productivity. We have our roles to play as individuals. There is individual social responsibility. In spite of the odds, we must learn to appreciate our gains in Africa.
To be continued…
#Iflourish #vision400 #Insight
What a wonderful revelation of the truth about our differences, set back and chaos in the society today
I love what Pastor said here, but I’ll need someone to help me understand this, because He’s setting some fire in my heart now…
Thank You Pastor, i so love you!